Comprehensive online courses

The following self-paced online courses are comprehensive, meaning it takes you through the step-by-step process to guide you towards a significant transformation related to healing your relationship with food or your body.

Each course comes with:

  • Video modules further broken down into bite-sized lessons for clear guidance and teachings in a digestible format!

  • Supplementary materials such as worksheets, reflection prompts, guided meditations, etc. to help you APPLY what you learned into YOUR life

  • Options to add on 1-1 VIP support sessions in case you desire to have my personal support as you work through the course

**Suggested timelines for each course can vary, but in order to fully EMBODY the learnings, my usual recommendation is to complete one module per week.

  • Worthy Beyond Your Body ($398)

    The goal of body image healing is NOT about "loving your body" everyday. It's about truly believing that your body and YOU are WORTHY even on days that you don't!

    And when you can finally SEE and FEEL your worth from deep within, instead of seeking it through your body...

    😌 You will no longer view your body as an ornament to "look good", but see it as the amazing vessel that carries you through life

    😌 You will value your body for all it does and also take better CARE of your body (we take care of things we value!)

    😌 "Bad body image" days will no longer ruin your whole day or your entire self-worth, because you truly see yourself as SO MUCH MORE than your body

    Completely transform how you think about your body and your worth through this 5-part workshop series you can immediately access now!

  • Real Life Intuitive Eating ($555)

    No more feeling confused, overwhelmed, scared about listening to YOUR body.

    Free yourself from your life-long food struggles such as diet rules, food guilt, emotional eating, stress eating, restrict-binge cycle, and learn to become so grounded in YOUR body's cues and its own wisdom!

    Imagine, you could...

    🥳 Go on vacation and enjoy all the new foods without the constant mental battles that you're "being bad"

    🥳 Stop worrying if you're “over-indulging" and eat the donut when you TRULY want it without guilt or feeling stuffed   

    🥳 Say yes and no “in balance” to both pizza AND salads by listening to your body even without enforcing rules 

    🥳 Confidently tell when you're hungry vs. craving something vs. eating for emotional reasons and know exactly what to do in each situation

  • SATISFIED without Binge Eating ($497)

    6-week step-by-step course to go from "Why am I binge eating and can't stop myself?" to 👉 "I feel nourished and satisfied and know exactly. how to meet my needs!"

    Week 1-2: FUEL + NOURISH

    We’ll resolve the "controlled eating" or "chaotic eating" (depending on your assessment quiz results) and build a eating pattern that meets your fuel needs 👉No more hunger-driven binge eating

    Week 3-4: SATISFY + ENJOY

    Feel guilt around food? Have food rules that won't let you eat what you want? We'll release them and you’ll practice HOW to listen to your cravings without "losing control"  👉No more cravings-driven binge eating

    Week 5: CONNECT + CARE

    Learn to differentiate food needs from other self-care needs and build practices that make you feel like your most balanced self! 👉No more disconnected binge eating

    Week 6: FEEL + COPE

    Explore how well your emotional needs are met!  Finally emotions will no longer be scary or avoided, because you know exactly HOW to attend to them 👉No more emotional binge eating

    **This course INCLUDES "Roots of Your Binge Eating" Workshop ($17) and "Emotional Eating with Compassion"($66) Workshop!)

  • Food+Body FEELINGS PLAYBOOK ($347)

    Your relationship with your feelings can make or break your food and body peace journey. This course is your navigation guide for HOW to deal with feelings that often come up in this process.

    1 Intro: “Why are we talking about feelings in my food+body peace journey?”

    2 ANGER: “I’m so angry about Diet Culture and at myself for staying stuck in it for so long!”

    3 GRIEF/SADNESS: “The fact that I may never become thin feels devastating. I don’t know if I can ever let go of the desire for weight loss.” 

    4 GUILT: “The guilt I feel from eating ___ makes me feel like a failure” 

    5 SHAME: “My body feels so wrong and I can’t see it any other way.”

    6 FEAR: “I’m afraid I’ll keep gaining weight” “I’m afraid of my health” “I’m afraid I’ll never stop eating Oreos”

    7 OVERWHELM: “I’’m stuck in my head and overwhelmed thinking about all the worst case scenarios!"

    8 DISAPPOINTMENT: “I never feel good enough. I'm afraid I'll disappoint myself and others.”