Overwhelmed in your food+body peace journey OR you’ve been feeling “stuck” for a while now?
I got you! I know this journey can feel confusing and discouraging at times especially if you have a long history of dieting/controlling your body and sometimes the doubt kicks in whether it is TRULY possible to free yourself from these life long struggles.
If this feels like you, here are some FREE & low-cost resources to help you get through your most difficult food+body moments and take your next step towards feeling more peace, confidence, freedom in your relationship with food and your body!
FREE quiz and secret podcast series to help you find your next steps towards food+body peace!
Take the FREE quiz which will assess 3 key areas to uncover your blindspots:
1) your food struggles;
2) your body image struggles;
3) your feelings & self-talk (a huge overlooked area!)
Then the secret podcast series will explain your results for each section, so that you can start clearing those roadblocks and find your next step!
FREE Body Image First Aid Kit
Are “bad body image days” taking you down a spiral and you don’t know what to do about them? Grab this practical toolkit that will help you for the most common difficult body image moments such as:
“I’m constantly triggered about my body and how much I don’t like it. What do I do? Where do I start?”
“I hate how I look and feel in my clothes.”
“I have a social event / vacation / holiday coming up and feel super anxious about it.”
“I keep comparing myself to other people’s bodies and feel envy, anger, and disappointment.”
“The ROOTS of your Binge Eating” FREE Interactive Workshop
Do you wish you could just eat like a "normal person," but you often find yourself lose control with food ending up uncomfortably full, or food just seems like your go-to escape and you can’t understand why, especially because you FEEL like you’re eating enough and no longer dieting?
In this FREE interactive workshop (replay), you will:
Take the 20-question “What’s causing MY binge eating?” assessment to uncover what's at the roots of YOUR binge eating
Learn the 4 different sub-types of binge eating, what's driving each, and which YOU fall under (I'll help you understand from your assessment results!)
You’ll walk away with the 4 key steps that MUST happen in order to resolve your binge eating and meet your TRUE needs!
“How do I Get Out of Donut Land?”— Mini course to help you stop feeling out-of-control with food
Do you avoid buying certain foods like chips, donuts, ice cream and never keep them in your home because...
You can't trust yourself with them and once you start the bag of chips or pint of ice cream, you just keep going until it's gone?
You'll obsess over these foods and constantly have to fight yourself from eating it all?
You've tried to "listen to your body" after years of diets/restricting, but you just can't seem to get over the excitement of certain foods and you still worry about eating "too much?"
These are your "DONUT LAND" foods.
In this mini-course (complete it in just 2 hours), you’ll learn the step by step process of making these foods and eating them without obsessing or feeling out-of-control!
Curious about other ways to receive support in your food+body peace journey?
Check out the following for more!