10-Days of Compassionate Intuitive Eating


Whether you are totally new to Intuitive Eating OR have been practicing it for a while (but still feel some sticky spots), this series will help you deepen your understanding of it AND strengthen your connection with your body to get closer to food freedom! 💖

Note: This series originally took place live in a Telegram group channel between 11/29-12/8 in 2024! The audio lessons are unedited voice notes where I go in-depth into one Intuitive Eating principle each day along with tangible action steps you can practice for each! Hope you enjoy!

Intro: How this Intuitive Eating series can help you

✨What Intuitive Eating is and isn’t (The 10 principles are “guiding posts” NOT rigid “rules!”)

✨Why compassion and curiosity is key!

-Scroll up on the graphic if you’re on your phone and don’t see the audio player!

Day 1: The MOST important thing if you want to make peace with food

✨3 steps on HOW to ditch the diet mentality (start doing these TODAY)

✨Why diets don’t work in the long run and Intuitive Eating does

Day 2: Why trusting your HUNGER might be hard right now

✨Several reasons why at the beginning stages of Intuitive Eating, your hunger signals may not be accurate YET right now

✨ How to “re-condition” your body to get normal and reliable hunger signals back

-Scroll up on the graphic if you’re on your phone and don’t see the audio player!

Day 3: How to stop feeling “out of control” with ANY food

✨What is actually CAUSING the “last supper mentality” and feelings of “binge eating”

✨3 scientific reasons for why “controlling” food actually leads to eating MORE of that food over time (I even share some interesting brain MRI research on this!)

✨HOW you can make peace with ANY food

-Scroll up on the graphic if you’re on your phone and don’t see the audio player!

Day 4: How to ditch the “food police” that makes you feel guilty

✨Why there are no absolute “good” vs. “bad” foods (I share a story about milkshakes at the hospital from my clinical training days!)

✨Why food is SO much more than JUST fuel and nutrients

✨Why the mean and judgmental “food police” voice is NOT good for your health

✨Steps to challenging the “food police”

Day 5: You’re missing THIS if you feel obsessed about food!

✨Why you keep thinking about food or crave a certain food all the time

✨ 3 ways you might be blocking yourself from feeling truly satisfied (number 2 is super sneaky!)

✨ 3 practical steps to fulfilling YOUR satisfaction factor

-Scroll up on the graphic if you’re on your phone and don’t see the audio player!

Day 6: If you always get “too full” OR you “NEVER want to feel full”

Answering these questions:

✨ Why do I ONLY recognize “I'm stuffed!” level of fullness?

✨ Why is it so hard for me to stop eating even when I’m full?

✨ Why do I WANT to feel full all the time, or why am I SO TRIGGERED when I feel full?

Day 7: Why we got “emotional eating” all wrong

✨ Why you are NOT “bad” even when you eat “emotionally” and need so much compassion

✨ Common “emotional eating” scenarios and what might really be happening

✨Questions to ask yourself when you find yourself eating emotionally

-Scroll up on the graphic if you’re on your phone and don’t see the audio player!

Day 8: What deep “body image healing” requires of you

✨How you came to hate your body and how to “unhate” it

✨Why the point of “good body image” is NOT “I love how my body looks everyday,” but “I respect my body everyday”

✨2 things you can start doing TODAY to start respecting your body

✨A client story: who used to feel “disgusted” by her body after 2 traumatic pregnancies, but how she sees her body with awe and wonder today. (And even went back to dancing after 30 years!)

Day 9: How to transform your relationship with exercise

Getting personal with my own story

✨ How “exercise” used to be: Dreadful PE classes and body shamed experiences

✨ My new relationship with exercise in my 30s-40s

✨The TWO big shifts that will take you from “dreadful exercise” to “joyful movement”

-Scroll up on the graphic if you’re on your phone and don’t see the audio player!

Day 10: How you can eat “healthy” without forcing yourself

✨ How diets damaged your relationship with nutritious foods, too

✨ Client story: Who used to force herself to eat salads & exercise in her athlete years, then “let go” of everything and spent 3 years “just eating pizza,” but how she found her way to gentle nutrition and joyful movement (and YOU can, too!)

Wrap-up: Why “KNOWING” is the first step and “FEELING” is the next!

✨Why “knowing” in your brain is the FIRST step, and the next important step is “FEELING” it in your body (which is what the NOURISH-HEAL-THRIVE group program is designed for!)

✨WHY I created my first group program 7 years ago and how it has helped countless women over 15 cohorts (sharing some exciting examples!)

✨How "NOURISH-HEAL-THRIVE" will give you the step-by-step roadmap AND safe community of support to fully embody food freedom, have deep body image healing and thrive in a life where "health" feels empowering!